Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ha Long Essay

A customer buys products based on their look and the quality inside . This is an example of how tourists choose their tourist destination and I have a wonderful destination that everyone should come once time in their life † Ha Long † . Ha Long is one of seven nature wonders of the world. Visiting Ha Long bay, you can experience the diversity of natural views, from sandy beaches to thousand year old rocky mountains. Why should you choose Ha Long bay to visit ? The word Ha Long in Vietnamese means the dragon descends into the sea and he legend says that the island of Ha Long was created by a great dragon who lived in the mountain, it sounds very interesting. First, I will let you know about the wonderful scenery. When you come to Ha Long, you can just describe as a â€Å"wow† , from great father mountain to thousand year old caves, from sandy beach to diving to discover the sea . Ha Long bay will lead you from one surprise to another. Beside that, Ha Long has had a particularly significant position because of its location o​n the important communication and trade route between China, Japan and Thailand , so you can see the great combination of culture of four countries. What will you do when you come to Ha Long bay ? As I said, Ha Long is a great combination of scenary and culture , so there are so many trips that take you to experience the beauty and culture of Ha Long . You will visit Ha Long on a cruise , which is called cruise tour that will lead you visit all places in Ha Long , it looks like you are mixing with the natural , beauty of sea , mountains and caves .Come to Ha Long bay, you will have agreat opportunity to get experience about life on water , which means people live all their life on water , we call that â€Å"fishing village on the sea†. you can also enjoy the fresh seafood, from shrimp, fish, jelly fish to many kinds of seafood that you have never eaten and if you want to cook for yourself , you can do it . Especially , you can try a famous dish of Ha Long † jelly fish noodle† . I promise that Ha Long bay is a value trip that you should try , the friendly traditional of people in Ha Long , the wonderful lanscape. Imagine you are walking up in the beautiful sunshine amid the rock, islets and caves and see  the view of Ha Long bay on the top of the mountain will give you a bird-eye view on the bay. I promise that no place in the world has the wonderful view like Ha Long bay. The experience from one to another will lead you to many surprises, the culture, the landscape, cuisine of Ha Long bay . Do not procrastinate , come to Ha Long and enjoy a wonderful gift of nature.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Home School Community Plan

Home School Community Plan: The Home School Community Plan is based on the principle of partnership between homes, schools and communities. This partnership is characterised as â€Å"a working relationship that is characterised by a sense of purpose, mutual respect and the willingness to negotiate. This implies a sharing of information, responsibility, skills, decision-making and accountability†. (Pugh, 1989). Family-involvement programs are an effective way to facilitate partnerships between the home and the school.Programs developed by school personnel can provide a forum for parents and children to experience learning in an atmosphere quite different from the usual classroom setting. Locations for the interaction might include the school library, cafeteria, or multi-purpose room. Evening programs may take place outside the school in other community buildings. Children and parents are encouraged to participate in a series of evening activities during which they explore scien ce ideas.During the exploration, teachers take on the role of facilitator and encourage the families to look at familiar things in a different way. Families are encouraged to discover something again, for the first time. The science does not have to be high-tech or complicated. The equipment should not be sophisticated. The goal is to demystify science, to promote the notion that everyone is a scientist and everyone can do science. The content of the session should take a back seat to the promotion of the process skills.Observation, measurement, prediction, experimentation, data collection and interpretation, classification, and so on are lifelong skills that can be useful in many different contexts. Use of everyday materials will encourage families to continue their journey through the discovery process at home. Parents will soon see that their attitudes toward science have changed, and this change will ultimately impact the attitudes of their children. Children will benefit from s eeing their parents enjoying the problem-solving process.Sharing a fun-filled learning experience with their parents sends a subliminal message to children that we are all lifelong learners and that learning can be fun. Community Involvement Community support is an outgrowth of family-involvement programs. Community awareness fosters a positive belief about the school and the effectiveness of the teachers. The positive community attitude toward education often manifests itself in ways that are very important to the school community, such as the passing of school budgets, win-win negotiations of teacher contracts, and the public's feeling of pride in the municipality.Communication between the school and the community is critical to a successful relationship, as is the case in any relationship. In today's highly technological world, communication should be relatively easy to facilitate but is sometimes neglected. Some schools have set up voice-mail systems on which there is a way for parents to access school information. The information may include notices of school programs, homework hotline information, or PTA news. Usually there is a way to leave messages for individual teachers as well.Another way for the community to work closely with the school is through community volunteers. When we provide a way for non-school personnel to come into the classroom, we give parents the opportunity to recognize and respond to the problems that the classroom teacher faces every day. With increased understanding comes mutual respect. Parents are given the opportunity to volunteer their time working with students who can make significant gains when given a little more individual attention.Parents see how they can make a difference in the classroom by helping the teacher as an additional facilitator of learning. Parents who volunteer should participate in an orientation session designed to outline the role of parents in the classroom. Various options can be explored, and paren ts can choose how they feel they can best help. Suggestions range from working behind the scenes, shopping for and packaging materials that may be used in a science or math class, to working with individual students on reading skills, word recognition, or editing of writing assignments.The aims are: * To maximise active participation of the children in the schools of the scheme in the learning process, in particular those who might be at risk or failure * To promote active co-operation between home, school and relevant community agencies in promoting the educational interests of the children * To raise awareness in parents of their own capacities to enhance their children's educational progress and to assist them in developing relevant skills. To enhance the children's uptake from education, their retention in the educational system, their continuation to post-compulsory education and to third level and their attitudes to life-long learning * To disseminate the positive outcomes of the scheme throughout the school system generally. General principles govern the operation of this partnership scheme: * The scheme consists of a partnership and collaboration of the complementary skills of parents and teachers. * The scheme is unified and integrated at both primary and second levels. The thrust of the scheme is preventative rather than curative. * The focus of the scheme is on the adults whose attitudes and behaviours clash on the lives of children, namely, parents and teachers. * The basis of activities in the scheme is the identification of needs and having those needs met. * The scheme develops teacher and staff attitudes in the areas of partnership and the â€Å"whole-school† approach. * The scheme promotes the fostering of self-help and independence. * Home visitation is a crucial element in establishing bonds of trust with families. Networking with and promoting the co-ordination of the work of voluntary and statutory agencies increases effectiveness, obviates duplication and leads to an integrated delivery of service to marginalised children and their families. * Home/School/Community liaison is a full time undertaking. * The liaison co-ordinator is an agent of change. * Community ‘ownership' of the scheme is promoted through the development of local committees. Parents While the primary purpose of the scheme is the promotion of partnership in the children's learning, parents frequently identify needs which are not directly concerned with their children's education.Meeting those identified needs is a critical factor in the development of parents' awareness of their capacities and in fostering their self-confidence. Scheme activities which meet parent's needs include:- * home visitation with the objective of establishing bonds of trust with parents and families and supporting parents in the identification of their developmental needs * provision of drop-in centres and parents' rooms in schools * provision of childcare facil ities so that parents can attend scheme activities Courses and Classes on: curricular areas so that parents can assist and support their children with their school work * personal development through parenting and assertiveness training * leisure activities * aspects of educational development which range from basic literacy to certificate examination subjects and diploma courses * the development of parents as home visitors, facilitators and classroom aides. Teachers Development for teachers in the liaison scheme is in the area of developing partnership and collaboration with parents in the interests of the children's education. This development includes: the promotion and establishment of a continuity in the children's transfer from home to school, and from primary to second level * an understanding of partnership in the context of the parents' role as the primary educators of their children * the development of attitudes and behaviours regarding the complementarity of parents' an d teachers' skills, knowledge and experiences in the enhancement of children's' learning * joint policy making between parents and teachers on issues such as homework, code of positive behaviour, study skills, attendance, substance misuse and home/school/community liaison.Child Plan: 1. Nutrition/Sleep behavior 2. Medical/Dental needs 3. Body Work/Exercise 4. Self Calm/Relaxation 5. Self- Care and Self Management 6. Child Attachment/Empathy 7. Stating Wants and Feelings 8. Social Relations 9. Play/Activities/Rewards 10. Daily Living Skills 11. Talent Build/Hobbies 12. Self Esteem Building 13. Pain/Illness Management 14. Anger/Aggression Management 15. Dealing with Loss and Grief 16. Strengthening Coping 17. Self Identity/Development 18. Individual/Group Therapy 19. Medication Family/Home Plan 1. Home/Food/Job/Insurance 2. Child Care/Respite 3.Help w/ Brothers/Sisters 4. Boundaries/Structure/Routine 5. Stress Control 6. Kin/Parenting Support 7. Family Sharing Time 8. Parent/Child Spe cial Time 9. Information/Education 10. Recognition/Awards 11. Chores/Pets/Roles 12. Leisure/Recreation 13. Celebrations/Rituals/Traditions 14. Cultural/Spiritual 15. Family Service Project 16. Behavior Mgt. Training 17. Family Counseling 18. Caregiver Treatment 19. Home Support Services 20. Celebrations/Rituals/Traditions 21. Cultural/Spiritual School/Education Plan 1. Family-School Bonding 2. Attendance Strategies 3. School Stress Reduction 4.Sense of Inclusion 5. Teacher/Child Compatibility 6. Friendship Building 7. Buddy/Activity Groups 8. Mentor/Coach/Student Tutor 9. Recognition Experiences 10. Assign Helpful Tasks 11. Positive Home Notes 12. Achievements/ Projects/Portfolio 13. Build on Strengths 14. Other Success Experiences 15. Learn Strategies/Self Management 16. After School Activities/Homework 17. Other Skill Building 18. Student Ed Occupation Plan 19. Individual Health Plan/504 Plan 20. IEP-Related Services 21. Family Education/Counsel Center 22. Marketable Skill Develop ment 23. Vocation/Education/Rehabilitation 24.Transition/Closure Community Plan 1. Safety Crisis Plan 2. Care w/ Trust, Respect, Hope 3. Network Building 4. Parent Support Groups 5. Parent Information Center 6. Parks and Recreation/Camp 7. Religious Affiliation 8. Cultural Advocacy 9. Health Program/PHN 10. Mental Health 11. Services for Persons with Disabilities 12. Home Visitation 13. Mentor/Work Experience 14. Volunteer Work 15. Monitoring Progress 16. Coordination of Services 17. Core Team 18. Family/Agency Wraparound 19. Family Preservation 20. Other Human Services 21. Substance/Abuse/Gang Prevention 22. Legal Advocacy/Court

Monday, July 29, 2019

Past management of intellectual property rights Essay

Past management of intellectual property rights - Essay Example It has taken centuries and these rights have faced drastic rates of dynamism and were until the 20th century that it became fully operational. The way they were managed therefore ion the past is not the way they are being managed in the current economic times. This paper seeks to assess the way intellectual property rights have been managed in the past. In light of the same, it will highlight the types of intellectual property rights and their management in the past as well as justified improvements that can be done for the future. This will create the difference between the past, present and expected future improvements. Past Management of Intellectual Property Rights Management of intellectual is a term that is holistic and is used to describe the process in which tracking the rights creation, licencing as well as their usage. According to the World international property organization, the treatment of each intellectual property is dependent on the efforts being made to preserve the cultural heritage of the specific nations that the rights are being applied (Elster, 2010, p. 24). Though they may have an international backing as far as application to the market is concerned, there is always the need to establish a unilateral management policy on all so that the basics of their maintenance in the market v are maintained. The flow of ideas is also never restricted to any international boundaries and therefore there is a very consistent view of the fact that there are very complex legal systems internationally to try and harmonize all the intellectual property rights from the different nations to suite the world market. Therefore, the past, management in general was based on the fact that each country had to satisfy its own interests, its requirements, limitations and the legal time in which the intellectual p roperty (IP) is going to be applicably necessary and valid. Patents Nicholas Luchi (2007) makes the traditional link between a patent and its registration with the government. He states that the registration takes more than one year to go through depending on the complexity of its making. A patent therefore is a grant under the issue of the government and bound by the law which allows its holder to exclude any other person or organization from commercial exploitation of the invention made (Lucchi, 2007, p. 18). The initial management is based on the application of the patent within territorial boundaries specific to the place where the invention was made and for a specific period of time. The management period originally according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is 20 years. This shows that although there are specific regional laws concerning the property rights management, there are also universal laws set by the WTO to manage the patents since the application of these is sup posed to have a universal bearing. Under the current and past management laws, the patents are applicable to new industrially applicable inventions that take the form of machines, processes that are innovative and chemical composition. The management laws state that integration to the public is made through the subsequent conditions of patentability in existence at that moment and in line with the WTO guidelines. For instance, to safeguard the public domain, the applicant must always make application to make disclosure of the invention to the public so that there is mutual benefit and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summrize and paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summrize and paraphrase - Essay Example Intersect defines similarly same concept. Parent child relationship corollary is based on the concept that the child’s actions and thought process is decided and dictated by the parents overall presence and personality. Adjustment, correlation and combination within and is termed as a concept called hierarchy formation. Parametric design is a specialization within the advanced concept of 3-D modeling. This feature enables multiple benefits such as the dimensions determination as well as the geometrical aspects understanding and calculation. Association within refers to the concept of aligning two or more components towards finding a common function and feature within. Sketched feature comes in contrast and difference to the 3-D models and concepts that are commonly prevalent. Although not as efficient as the 3-D model, yet it serves the objectives in the form of determining the union, intersection and other similar features associated with the structure of a given material or given design. Parametric association between different components can be judged from the name derived against it. These include the functions such as assessing the different dimensions and providing for a more accurate design and observation of the different angles within the modeled structure. Assembly constraint is a concept that is associated with the consideration of ensuring that the different design aspects and prerequisites are fulfilled. Axe, Edge and other domains and dimensions of a given structure are taken into account while gauging the assembly. Designs are highly prone to possible error and defect during the process of manufacturing. This can be eliminated through the design intent function which allows good handling of the designs with regard to making a better crafted structure. Other aspects of design making make include taking into account factors like re arranging of the structure, re visiting the geometry and further modifying the parameters. The sole

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critically Debate The Arguments For And Against Global Mega-Mergers Essay

Critically Debate The Arguments For And Against Global Mega-Mergers - Essay Example With the growth in the competition and with the rising trend of globalisation, it has been found that most of the companies are merging together in order to avail several advantages. These mergers are the result of the strategy to become world market leader in certain sector or at least to reach a critical mass. There is significant growth in the international mergers and acquisitions that are taking place across the boundaries of any particular country (Einy & et. al., 1995). Arguments For and Against Global Mega-Mergers The international mergers and acquisitions are conducted for the purpose of gaining strategic benefits in the market of a particular country. Salent & et. al. (1983) stated the fact that when an industry is oligopolistic with identical goods and cournot competition along with constant marginal cost and linear demand then in such circumstances a merger tends not to be gainful unless and until it encompasses more than 80 percent of the firm (Salant & et. al., 1983). M ergers in case of Cournot oligopoly is recognised to be quite lucrative if both the merging companies possess asymmetric information regarding market demand (Das & Sengupta, 2001). It has been argued that the cross border M&A is the key to flow of foreign direct investment. Greater share of the total merger tasks tend to be performed largely across international borders (Clarke, 1983). International mergers & acquisitions are a trend nowadays. Most of the top managements of the companies argue the fact that international mergers lead to benefits of scale, high shareholders’ value, access to new markets as well as low overheads. However, it can also be argued that mergers lead to cultural differences, in terms of organisation culture along with national culture as well which is considered to be the biggest challenge in such integration. It has been noted that successful integration of an international merger is quite a long method which is assisted by a sense of equality and c ommon management goals, programs and tasks (Olie, 2002). The new form created because of the merger activity is anticipated to possess increased market share that may facilitate to minimise competition. Although the minimisation in the completion is harmful for the public interest, it can assist the firm in earning more profits (Otchere & Mustopo, 2006). Mergers can assist the firms in dealing with the threats of multinationals and struggle on an international scale. It has also been argued that mergers might permit high investment in Research & Development (R&D) since the new firm is expected to garner significant profits. This will result in better quality of goods for the consumers. Mergers have been found to be quite advantageous in a deteriorating industry where the firms are facing problems to stay buoyant. It has been argued that in case of conglomerate mergers, two firms belonging to distinct industry merge together. Therefore, one of the benefits received in such mergers is sharing of knowledge that is generally applicable to distinct industry (Gal-Or, 1988). The arguments against global mega-mergers is that when

Telephone interview for the London Borough of Newtown2 Essay

Telephone interview for the London Borough of Newtown2 - Essay Example Both qualitative and quantitative data are summarized in this report, to give a clear understanding of people’s responses obtained. 1. Confirming Caretaking Services The first question in the interview was the base to rest of the questions as it caters people’s direct responses about caretaking services being offered. The interview was not carried out further if the respondent answered No to the question to confirm that their estate provides caretaking services. On this question to confirm estate services of caretaking, a greater number of people responded positively, saying that their estate local authority does offer caretaking services to its residents. From the 400 interviews being taken, 266 responded in positive while the rest 134 said that the local authority does not provide such services. This data leads to the finding that there are around 33% of people who carry the impression of the local authority, being non- active in their estate cleaning and caretaking s ervices (Venter & Waldt, 2007). 2. Responses in Cleaning services For residents who responded ‘Yes’ to the first question, the interview was proceed further to ask them about their opinion on the quality of services being offered. This question addresses the cleaning services in the estate and which are the areas in which needs to be worked on by the local authority. ... i. Removal of Litter Waste of litter and junk stuff in passageways and roads is one core problem for many people as it creates hindrances in traffic flow in lanes and walkways (United Nations Environment Programme, 2013). So this question was catered right after the respondent affirmed about the services of the estate. Out of the 400 respondents, 165 were satisfied with the litter removing services of the estate. On the contrary, 101 residents were dissatisfied from this service and suggested that there is a big room for improvement in this area of cleaning. The rest 134 residents being interviewed gave the response of no opinion. Two findings that can be made from this data are that, the people responding no opinion to this question are not fully dissatisfied as then they would have a stand in against of the removal of litter service. Hence, it can be said that a bigger majority of people are content with this service being offered. Second majority are the people who are neither com pletely satisfied nor dissatisfied, but can be considered to be inclined towards satisfaction. Then a minority of people, making around 25% of the total interviewees, falls in the category of dissatisfied residents in cleaning and removal of litter (Guillain, 2008). ii. Cleaning of Bin Areas The next part of the question was related to the cleaning of bin areas of the locality. These are the areas where trash bins are located, and people trash their junk and rubbish into theses bins. When these bins are not emptied on regular intervals, then people drop their trash beside the bins or in the passageway, which creates health and environment problems due to exposure of

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Negatives involved in the Afordable Care Act Essay

The Negatives involved in the Afordable Care Act - Essay Example Still in the same front of Affordable Care Act, many Americans tend to lose their previous health insurance which also leads to increase their premiums for individual coverage (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act, 2010). In addition, to further adverse impacts generated by Obama health act is that business expansion became difficult due to employees working hours cut down. This is immensely contributed by employers are liable to provide health insurance to their employees this leading to reduce big business with permanent employees to small business with fewer permanent employees and others being part time employees (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act, 2010). According wall street journal the insurance plan under Obamacare has sternly limited residence of America, fewer options in regards to the preferred doctors and medical care. Obamacare tend to pay doctors a lot than any sort of coverage hence causing to multifarious tribulations with this scheme which is leading to rise in costs of the health care for every individual to afford (Health literacy implications of the affordable care act,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Planning and the Unsystematic Risk Statistics Assignment

Financial Planning and the Unsystematic Risk Statistics - Assignment Example Therefore, during winter, people will prefer buying winter tyres and when summer sets in, the demand for dry weather tyres will be high. i. The best asset for Gemma to choose is Rolls-Royce since it has the highest monthly real return coefficients. This implies that they will guarantee a high interest as opposed to those with low return percentage. The objective of making an analysis of a company’s fundamentals is to find the intrinsic value of the stock as opposed to the value with which the stock trades at in the market. Therefore, in carrying out an analysis, if the intrinsic value happens to be more than the current share price, then it shows that the stock is worth much value than its price and it makes sense in buying a stock. However, if this is not the case, then using the stock-analysis strategy like in the case of Gemma is not useful. In addition, the stock-pricing strategy offers a lot of information in an intangible and unmeasurable manner. It is easy to find some aspects of the company that are quantifiable. Such aspects include profits and they are quite easy to find. However, it is quite difficult to measure the qualitative factors such as the competitive advantages of a company, company staff and the reputation of the company. Therefore, the aspects make the picking stocks a subjective and intuitive process thus not suitable in such a case. In addition, the human element evident in the forces moving the stock market, the stocks cannot do whatever one anticipates that they will do since there is a likelihood of having a change in emotions quite unpredictably. Therefore, when confidence turns into some fear, the stock market can be a bit risky and dangerous. Therefore, this also contributes to the decision by Gemma not to use the stock-pricing strategy. i. In order to protect their portfolio of shares, Mark Brisley and Evie Petrikkou used the call and put options. The put option allowed them to sell assets at a given agreed on price while the call shows the right to buy shares at an agreed price.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why Parents are Sometimes Strict to their Childeren Essay

Why Parents are Sometimes Strict to their Childeren - Essay Example This paper examines the issue of strict parenting by first defining what this means, and then exploring the multiple reasons why parents might choose to be strict to their children on occasion. A number of scholarly findings are reported, along with illustrative examples, in order to demonstrate the type of situations which call for strictness, and finally a comparison is drawn between strictness which is appropriate, and strictness which is unhelpful for a child’s development. Most people can remember instances from their childhood when their parents punished them because of something that they did. It is entirely natural and proper for a certain amount of conflict to arise between parents and children because the only way children can learn about the world is by being gradually introduced to it in a safe and practical way. Babies and young children have to be taught that certain objects are hot, or sharp, or in some other way dangerous, and caring parents are generally very strict about things like fire and matches, crossing roads, talking to strangers, and other kinds of behavior which could bring harm to the child. Strictness in this context is a fundamental parental duty. It would be criminal and negligent to allow children to freely experiment with such dangerous behaviors and so in this sense strictness is a positive quality which protects the child by teaching it what must be avoided. There is another kind of strictness, and this relates to the social behavior of a child, for example in learning to say hello and goodbye, or to say polite phrases like please and thank you. There is an element of culture in this kind of strictness, because it has more to do with what people think about the child (and by implication also the parents) than what the child wishes or needs. Some families are very strict about using titles such as â€Å"Sir† or â€Å"Ma’am† when the child is addressing adults, while other parents are much more relaxe d, and some even allow children to address parents by their first names, rather than by polite phrases or the labels â€Å"Mom† and â€Å"Dad†. The purpose of this kind of strictness, when it occurs, is to make sure that the child learns to fit into the norms of the social setting in which the family lives. Parents who have been in the military, or who have a strong faith in a major religion, are often more concerned about this kind of behavior, because they have high moral standards themselves and wish to pass these same standards on to their children. Parents who work in the arts and media, or who are unemployed, or who are of a more gentle disposition may, on the other hand, value a free and easy approach to life, or perceive such good manners as something irrelevant, or elitist. The moral, religious and political views of the parent, therefore, are often a key factor in determining how strict they are with their children. A number of studies have been carried out o n parents and strictness, including a recent exploration of the relationship between teenage drinking behavior and parental strictness levels (Aubrey, 2010). Researchers at Brigham Young University found that children whose parents are indulgent and easy-going tend to be the most likely to become involved in binge drinking of alcohol. The same study found also that parents who are very strict try to prevent the child from coming into contact with alcohol, but unfortunately this has the effect also of removing the opportunity for children to make their own judgements. (Aubrey 2010). An earlier study on parental strictness in the United Kingdom found that â€Å"Children are more likely to grow into well-adjusted adults if their parents are firm disciplinarians.†

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stored Procedures and Triggers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stored Procedures and Triggers - Research Paper Example Considering that the operating system running on any computer determines the type of programming language most appropriate for use, then, this can limit database programming on such systems. However, since SQL 2008 can be written in a variety of programming languages, then it is not limited to only one or a few operating systems (Norman, 2007). This is so because, if one programming language is incompatible with the operating system running in a given computer, then a different programming language can be opted for, which is more compatible with the operating system, serving to preserve the data being utilized, and making it possible to utilize similar data in different computer systems. The other determinant of programming language compatibility is the server software under use in the system where such programming is to be undertaken (Robert, 1996). Therefore, the programming language to be used is determined by the server software that is under use in the system. However, with the ability if stored procedure SQL 2008 to be written in various languages, then, it enhances its compatibility with any sever software, as a different programming language, which is compatible with the software, can be selected and used. ... This is a very vital aspect, in that, it allows for the individuals undertaking the programming to incorporate business logic in the database program. Through the application of various languages, this business logic serves to ensure that the necessity of encoding such logic in the client specific programs is eliminated. Additionally, the possibility of applying multiple programming languages for stored procedure SQL 2008 provides for the consistency of data used, in that it involves the use of similar data that is encoded in different languages, making it possible to preserve the integrity of the data, even though applied under different coding languages (Pratt, 1996). Any chance of corrupting such data is thus eliminated and the client programs can easily be maintained universal, only that they involve different programming languages, as per the client specification and preferences. The application of various languages under SQL 2008 stored procedure allows for a range of programmi ng and coding that can enhance the protection of the data from SQL injection attacks (Michael, 2011). This makes such databases more stable and thus protected against various vulnerabilities. The ability of the stored procedure SQL 2008 to be written in various languages is important in database development, in that it enhances the reduction of costs involved in database development (Michael, 2011). Some programming languages are offered as free software, while others are licensed for commercialization. This means that some of the programming language can be obtained and used free, while others must be bought. Due to its ability of being written in different languages, then, it allows for the use of some programming languages that are offered freely, thus

Monday, July 22, 2019

Federalism in America and India Essay Example for Free

Federalism in America and India Essay Thereby both countries had attained dominion status in which a number of smaller states had got affiliated forming a union with a strong central government that came to be called as Federal Government in the US and Central Government in India. Thus both states became Federal Republics. While framing the Indian constitution, its drafting committee headed by Dr. Ambedkar, had borrowed many salient features from various constitutions in the world including US but adopted them in the Indian context. Hence, both U. S and India, despite being federal in structure have many similarities and differences between them. Similarities between US and India:- 1) Written constitution:- Both US and India have a written constitution based on which the federal political structure has been set up and both federal governments are functioning. Both constitutions have provisions for amending the constitution to meet the growing socio, political and economic needs and demands of their respective countries. 2) Bill of Rights and Fundamental Rights:- The US constitution has ensured the fundamental rights of its citizens like right to equality, freedom, right against exploitation, freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to property, and right to constitutional remedies etc through ‘The Bill of Rights’,. They became part and parcel of the US constitution through first ten amendments that were carried out and adopted into the US constitution. The Indian constitution has guaranteed the fundamental rights of the people through articles 14 to 34 in Part III. ) Supremacy of the Federal or Union Government:- Both countries have federal governments at the centre in which various states have acceeded to. In the US as many as 50 states have joined the federal government and in the Indian Union as many as 29 states and 8 Union territories have acceeded to. Both in US and India, states which have acceeded to the Federal set up have no unilateral power to secede from the Federal Government or the Union Governme nt. While Federal Government or the Union Government as well as the states are empowered to enact laws on a particular subject,(known as concurrent powers),the law enacted by the Federal or Union Government will have overriding effect over the law enacted by the states on the same subject. Thus Federal or Union Government is supreme in the present federal structure. 4) Division of Labor and Separation of Powers:- Adhering to Montesquieus theory of division of labor and separation of powers, both US and Indian constitutions have three basic divisions with regard to division of labor and power in their federal set up known as executive, legislature and judiciary with clear cut ‘Separation of Powers’ Each division has been entrusted with a separate power. The executive governs the country, the legislature enacts laws and the judiciary administers justice. President of US is the chief executive head of US, whereas the Union cabinet headed by the Prime Minister is the real chief executive body in India. Both US and India have a bicameral legislature. US legislature has an upper and lower house known as the House of Senate and the House of Representatives respectively and the Indian Parliament has Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as its Lower and Upper house respectively. Both US and India have a well organized judiciary, having the Supreme Court or the Federal Court as the apex court and a number of other courts in various states to administer original and appellate jurisdictions. 5)Powers of Checks and Balances:- Though there exists a clear cut division of labor known as separation of powers into executive, legislature and judiciary in both countries, still there is a threat. to democracy. A strong and dynamic leadership at the helm of powers as the executive and acting with unlimited powers may lead to arbitrariness. After all power corrupts power; absolute power corrupts absolutely; in the result democracy may become a laughing stock and virtually unworkable. Hence, in order to prevent unwieldy growth of any one of these three divisions, a fantastic mechanism known as powers of ‘checks and balances’ has been maintained in both countries. In other words, each division of power is somehow or other checked and controlled by other divisions of power. In the US, the President as the chief executive power appoints his members of ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ and he is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Army,Navy and the Air Force. He appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the US. He enters into treaties with other countries. However, his treaties must be approved by the House of Senate. Otherwise, the treaty will not come into force. Though President Woodrow Wilson was the chief architect of the League of Nations that came into being after the first world war,US could not become a member of it since the House of Senate did not approve it. Thus important policy decisions must be necessarily approved by the House of Senate, which definitely acts as a check on the powers of US President, who is the head of the executive. Similarly laws enacted by both houses may be subjected to the power of Judicial Review and can be declared null and void by the judiciary. The President can be impeached and removed from power on the motion moved by the House of Senate in the presence of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the US. Similarly in India, the Prime Minister and his cabinet can be removed from power by a successful no confidence motion passed by both houses of parliament. The important policy decisions taken by the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister, if necessary has to be enacted into laws only with the requisite majority of the parliament. The laws enacted by the parliament. re subject to the judicial review of the Supreme Cour of India. The Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President as recommended by the cabinet and the Prime Minister. Thus the powers of checks and balances have been the effective mechanism both in the US and in India in safeguarding the democracy in both countries. Differences between the federalisms of US and India:- The differences that exist between the federalisms of US and India are unique. These differences have been wantonly created by the architects of the Indian constitution. The US federalism is very strong and more rigid as envisaged in their constitution by its leaders. It is more federal than unitary. in character. Whereas, India is more unitary than federal and we can even say that it is a quasi-federal state. 1) The Constitution of US is very rigid than the Indian Constitution:- i)The constitution of US is very brief and rigid running into only a few pages, whereas the constitution of India is very voluminous containing as many as XXII parts, 395 articles and ten schedules. Since the US constitution is very rigid, the provisions meant for amending the constitution are also very rigid and more formal. The last amendment carried out in the US constitution was in the year 1992. Between the period 1989 and 1992, the US constitution has been amended only 27 times, in which the 21 st amendment was to reverse the 18 th amendment Whereas, the Indian constitution which came into force in the year 1950, has so far been amended 94 times. Therefore, it is easy to amend the Indian constitution, since it involves four different types of procedures which are comparatively easy than the amending procedure of the US constitution. For example, recently, the salaries and allowances of the Indian MPs have been hiked through a voice vote of the members of the Indian Parliament, whereas in the US, the 27 th amendment originally proposed on 25th September, 1789, was ratified on May 7 th, 1992, regulating the provision for varying the compensation of the members of the House of Senate and Representatives. i) In the US, though there is a Federal Constitution, all the states affiliated with the Federal Government,owing their allegiance to the Federal Constitution, have their own constitutions to regulate their own governance. In India, all the states affiliated with the Indian Union owe their allegiance only to the Indian constitution and do not have their own constitution; however, each state is empowered to enact its own laws inc luded in the state as well as in the concurrent list of the constitution. ) While US has the Presidential form of Government, India has the Parliamentary form of Government:- In the US, the President is the head of the state and so his government is invariably mentioned as the Presidential form of government or democracy; In India, the President is only a nominal head or titular sovereign power;( dejure sovereign),whereas the Prime Minister and his cabinet is the defacto or popular sovereign in whom the real power exists. In the US, the President is popularly elected ,besides chosen through an electoral college. However, nominating a candidate for ontesting the Presidential election by a political party in the US is a cumbersome process. This process is comparatively simpler than the Indian system of forming the cabinet and electing the Prime Minister from a party which enjoys a majority of elected members of the Lok Sabha. While the US follows the bi-party system, India has a multi -party system and a complicated process of election. While the US President holds power for a period of 4 years,while the Indian Prime Minister holds power for five years as long as his political party enjoys majority in the Lok Sabha. However, the US President irrespective of his affiliation with a political party, Republican or Democrat and irrespective of his party’s success or failure in the elections for the House of Representatives or the House of Senate, holds power for his full tenure. A person in the US can hold the post of President only for two terms, whereas, in India there is no such restriction to hold the post of a Prime Minister or President. For example, Nehru was the Prime Minister of India between 1947 and 1964 for a period of 17 years. The Indian cabinet and the Prime Minister are collectively and directly responsible and answerable to the parliament and indirectly to the people, whereas, the US President has constitutional obligations and duties and of course answerable to the people. For the dereliction of duty and blunder committed by a cabinet minister in India, the Prime Minister and his entire cabinet colleagues are liable,responsible and answerable, because they have collective responsibilities. 3) Differences between the legislatures of US and India:- In India, the lower house or the Lok Sabha is more powerful and its members are directly elected by the people and the members of the Upper house or Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected every two years. The Lok Sabha members represent their constituencies on the basis of their population strength; In the US, the House of Representatives are elected on the basis of the population strength of a state, but irrespective of the size of the state or its population, each state in the US has only two senate members, totaling 100 members in all in the US. While the Lok Sabha or the lower house is more powerful in India, the House of Senate or the upper house is more powerful in the US. While a Senate member in the US is directly elected, a Rajya Sabha member in India is indirectly elected by a system of proportional and transferable voting system. 4) Differences in the judicial system between US and India:- While the US has an advanced judicial system, India has a rapidly developing judicial system. An accused or a witness in the US can depose from the place where he is imprisoned, thereby avoiding unnecessary travel all the way from Chicago or Los Angels to New York using the advanced technology. Such facilities are yet to develop in India. While a Judge in the US can hold his post for life as long as he enjoys his good health, in India it is slightly different. A District judge unless elevated retires at the age of 58, a High Court and a Supreme court Judge retires at the age of 65. Thus both the US and the Indian Federalism despite having limitations are by and large successful.

Children and the Effects of Television Essay Example for Free

Children and the Effects of Television Essay Television programs were created for children to learn everyday skills, but it can come to start affecting children today because they watch too much they start lacking in physical activity and some can become distant and violent. Studies have shown that children can become obese, violent and even dependent on television if watched too much television. Television can influence children in many different ways like becoming obese, become dependent on it too much; change school habits and even can become violent with watching different types of shows. It is time for parents to start standing up and take control over what and just how much their children watch television. It is said that children watch too much television even though some studies have proven that different types of children’s television shows tend to effect children in different ways also they learn new things faster. Shows like Blue’s Clues, Chuggington, Dinosaur Train, Mickey Mouse Club House, and Team Umizoomi are all filled with educational values that help children develop skills that they need. Blue’s Clues is a much liked show by children ages 2-4. According to Common Sense Media (2012), In fact, Blues Clues does a very fine job of treating its young viewers as the multifaceted individuals that they are.† This is very important to young children because it makes them feel as they are a part of something special when they watch shows like this. With these types of shows teach children how to have different types of important social skills, teamwork, science, alphabet, numbers, math problems and even have physical fitness in them which are some of the things that a child needs to know. With these types of show is just what children need to help them expand their brains. According to PEDÃÅ"K (2012) â€Å"Whichever program it may be, it has behavioral, mental and emotional effects.† (p.224).On the other hand more children are watching more television shows for an entertainment purpose which has no educational vales in them. Shows like Sponge Bob Square Pants, The Simpsons, Batman, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which consist of having violence, rudeness, and poor role models for children are the ones that are shaping our children in this day of age. It is up to the parent to make sure that their children are getting the correct balance of fun, education, and physical activity to help them grow. Studies have shown that cartoons have the most major impacts on children because in the cartoons to children it is something done every day and ok to act out likes the character on television. According to Kids Health from Nemours (1995-2012),† Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior† which has become an issue to many different children around the world today. Children are like little sponges soaking up everything they can because every little boy and girl wants to be like their favorite cartoon hero or character. How much time a child watches television is a major factor in children’s behavior and their physical health. Whenever parents allow their children to sit in front of the television and watch more than four hours a day then parents could be running a risk of their child to become more dependent on television to keep them entertained, and this can become very harmful to a child’s health, or to their mental state as well. It can be hard on a parent try to clean house, cook a meal, and even do school work with children becoming bored, and parents just do not have the time to spend with them and then so it seem to be a helpful tool to be able to help at the time for them to watch television. One of the things that you can do to make sure when the appropriate times and what is the appropriate show’s to watch according to Kids Health from Nemours (1995-2012),† Come up with a family TV schedule that you all agree upon each week. Then, post the schedule in a visible area (e.g., on the refrigerator) so that everyone knows which programs are OK to watch and when. And make sure to turn off the TV when the scheduled program is over instead of channel surfing.† Instead of giving your children television time when they experience boredom some suggestion to them is to go outside and make believe that they are the characters in their favorite learning television show. Another thing is get them some flash cards with math, spelling or any type of learning cards. If you distract children from television with something better then you will have a child that cares less about the television and more about playing with their learning games. Common assumption say that violent television shows can mold a child to be either violent when they get older or they develop a fear of being hurt. Children take what they see and apply it to what they do, kind of like the saying â€Å"Monkey see monkey do† type of thing. According to Willson (2008) â€Å"Wilson also shows that childrens susceptibility to media influence can vary according to their gender, their age, how realistic they perceive the media to be, and how much they identify with characters and people on the screen.† † (p. 87) Children need positive role models in their life and someone to look up to in life and most children have their television characters. Parents can usually see the signs in a child just by the way they are when watching a certain television show, and the way that they act if they cannot see the television show is a sign that a parent needs to watch the television show to see what it is that is addicting about the show to their ch ild to make them act out. There are many different types of signs to help parents know if the show that your child is watching is appropriate for them or if it is not appropriate for them. Some of the signs that parents want to look for is if they have trouble in school, with drawn away from friends and family just to name a few, and if you see these problems then as a parent should step in and try to pull the child/children away from the television shows that they watch. Some say that it cannot be done but studies have shown that if there is more quality time spent between parents and their child/children then they will more than likely not have the desire to watch television. Over the past 2 weeks I have been conducting my own personal study on how to keep your children from watching too much television and kept some notes on the effects it had on them. They are more a fan of watching different television shows and not wanting to even play with their toys. So one day I went to the store and bout some board games, activity books, coloring books, learning flash cards and even some reading books. What it is that I have found is that if I just took an hour of my time to interact with them to help get them started and interested in one of the activity’s that I have bought and got them started on one of them with me that I could leave them and do my school work, house work and even cook dinner and not one-time did I hear the words â€Å"I want to watch television Aunt Becca!† So if parents just make the time to take time out of your time just to get them interested is a tremendous outcome in the end. Obesity is one of the most dangerous side effects that are found in children that watch more television than get out and do physical activities. When children watch television after eating or while eating breakfast, snacks, lunches, and dinner are found that they don’t want to get up, stop watching television and go outside and play with friends or siblings. Now they are doing nothing to help burn off the calories that they are consuming then they run a risk at becoming obese and develop other health issues later in life. According to How T.V. Effects Your Child (1995-2012), â€Å"Studies have shown that decreasing the amount of TV kids watched led to less weight gain and lower body mass index (BMI — a measurement derived from someones weight and height)†. One of the things that can help children avoid becoming hungry while watching television is by trying to minimize the commercials, because commercials are filled with yummy foods and snacks that they like to eat. One of the things to help with that would be when there is a commercial on pull them away to do some sort of activity like, clean their room, fold cloths, or just by even having them come in and explain what it is that is going on in their television show. Monitoring what children watch on television is one of the best things that you can do to keep our children from becoming obese, violent, dependent on television, and less disruptive in school. In conclusion there are many different pros and cons of television and the effects that it has on children can go both ways, but it is up to the parents to make sure that their children get the physical activity, mental education and correct role models that they need to make sure that they live a more healthier and active life style. Because our children are the future of America and parents want to make sure that their future is going to be a bright and active life. Reference: PEDÃÅ"K, Dr. Åž. B. (2012, January). A STUDY ON CHARACTERISTISCS OF PARENTS’ TV VIEWING AND CHILDREN’S OPINIONS ON THE CARTOONS THEY WATCHED. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(1), 224-233. How T.V. Effects your child. (2011). Retrieved from Willson, B. J. (2008, Spring). Media and Children’s Aggression, Fear, and Altruism. , 18(1), 87-118.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Elderly Empowerment in Social Work and Policies

Elderly Empowerment in Social Work and Policies Social services are nothing if they are not about empowering the powerless: giving older people the chance to stay in their own home, protecting the vulnerable from abuse and neglect, promoting independence and self reliance, bringing hope to families where almost all hope has gone Introduction This report will assess to what extent social policy with regard to the elderly has been successful in achieving its aim. In doing this the paper will look at policy development from the late 1940s onwards. It will evaluate policy success and will look at the role of social work in particular. It will look at the impact of New Right thinking on social work policy, funding and practice. There will be an examination of the effect of social policy on vulnerable and oppressed groups and of how ageism and classism may contribute to oppression. Methodology This is a documentary report using internet sources for Government websites and official data which is supplemented by other literature. There will be some use of figures and a diagram to illustrate certain points. After looking at policy development the findings will be used to assess the impact of policy and its effects on vulnerable adults. Policy Development The introduction of the Britain’s post-war welfare state was aimed at combating disease, poverty and ignorance. It was designed to support people in times of trouble and to protect those who were unable to protect themselves. From 1948 onwards, what were known as the personal social services, was introduced, it consisted of the health services which were responsible for public health, and welfare departments which were responsible for residential care and the care of the elderly and disabled. It also included children’s departments which were responsible for child care.[1] A large proportion of the budget was allocated for residential care. Since its inception the way in which the welfare state has been administered has undergone two major reforms. The first of these was in the 1960s and 70s where allocation of funding to departments was transferred from central government to the treasury.[2] In the 1960s welfare departments and children’s departments were unified into social services departments.[3]The second phase was in the 1980s and 90s and it led to a restructuring of the public sector and the way in which welfare was administered. This led to: The break up of administration into agencies, e.g. NHS Trusts and agencies responsible for Social Security. The introduction of the principles of management and the market which are found throughout the NHS and personal social services The requirement for public services to be run like markets, a separation of purchasing and provision of services and the introduction of competition.[4] During the setting up of the Welfare State the powers that had been held by local authorities were largely usurped by central government which still has the final say in how they conduct their affairs. Much of the work of the Social Services Departments was concerned with child services but this changed with the introduction of the NHS and Community Care Act of 1990 and there is a continuing move to operate services jointly. This also meant that care was no longer the preserve of the state, rather it should be the responsibility of the whole community. and state intervention should only occur as a final resort (Giddens, 2001).[5] The Community Care Act of 1990 was a development not only of the 1948 Act but also of the 1970 Social Services Act which states that: Every local authority shall establish a social services committee, and †¦there shall stand referred to that committee all matters relating to the discharge by the authority of- (a) their functions under the enactments specified in the first column of Schedule 1 to this Act[6] Under the terms of the 1990 Act everyone who wishes to access social care must first undertake an assessment of need (circular LAC (92) 12 states that any needs assessment needs to take into account the capacity of the person, their current living situation, any help or support from friends and relatives and also what the person themselves may want from care. The National Services Framework for Older People which is being continually updated has to be taken into account when such an assessment has been made.[7] Undergoing an assessment does not necessarily mean that a person will be offered services. Different local authorities have their own sets of eligibility criteria, against which the needs of the person are assessed an assessment is also made of their ability to pay for care (Moore, 2002).[8] The Health and Social Care Act 2001 entitled older people in residential care to free nursing care, in an attempt to integrate health and social care for older people. There has been conce rn that this Act might be the beginning of the end of adult social service departments.[9] Goodman (2005) has argued that access to care for older people may vary. The research suggested that those who were in residential care were more likely to be at a disadvantage in accessing other forms of care whereas older people who remained in their own homes were more likely to be able to access social care. The care needs of those older people in residential care tended to be met by care staff with the help of district nurses in order to provide some care to people in residential homes. Assessment of Findings Under the terms of the 1948 Act the state was the primary instrument of welfare and thus social care. As has been documented various later policies changed the way in which social care was distributed and accessed culminating in the Community Care Act of 1990 which shifted responsibility of care from central government to local authorities. It was claimed that this Act would lead to increased choices for service users. In contrast to this claim, some older, perhaps frail people, become socially disenfranchised and are placed in accommodation that is not up to standard nor suited to their needs. Moore (2002) points out that some commentators have argued that a mixed economy of care and the move away from public provision to one that was based on profit making: †¦would actually lower the standards of care, as profit rather than public service becomes the overriding motive†¦(this) will lead to a narrowing of choice†¦clients being seen as receiving charity†¦(and) the extent and the quality of services will differ from place to place (Moore, 2002:259). In 2000 the Government introduced the Care Standards Act as a response to poor standards in care homes. This has not been seen to be effective however, as stories of the abuse of older people in care have proliferated in recent years(Observer, 18th February, 2001). In the last hundred years people’s life expectancy in the western world has increased dramatically and there are now almost 5 million people over the age of 75 in the UK. Conversely the birth rate is now at an all time low. These changes in British demographics have generated an increased demand on the health service and on caring services generally. Although many older people remain in their own homes and may receive some kind of care to help them, there are presently about 200,000 people in registered residential homes in England. 35,000 of these homes are run by the local authority and 165,000 live in homes run by the independent sector. These figures do not include the 150,000 old people who are in nursing homes (Moore, 2002).[10] Older people are a marginalised group viewed by society as no longer useful, they are, of necessity, greater consumers of health and other services (Moore, 2002)[11]. When they feel they can no longer cope alone, or when relatives can no longer care for them, they go into residential or nursing homes, many of which are privately owned and run for a profit. Even when they are in council run homes older people are expected to at least make a contribution to the cost of their care. What is principally needed is a change in the way older people access services. In order for older people to have their needs met in ways which contribute to their quality of life and give them some choice over what happens to them Dunning (2005) suggests a greater need for advocates. He argues that in certain areas advocates should be a requirement for older people at certain times in their lives such as: retirement, which can bring about a reduction of income  and social networks a decline in physical and mental health, sensory impairment  and the need for health and social services a change in housing and living arrangements ageism. ( Dunning, 2005:10).[12] Dunning’s advice is wise if people want to access adequate care particularly as under the terms of the 1990 Act the care is no longer provided by the state alone. If a service user has been assessed as eligible for care then what is called a care package has to drawn up by the social worker. This package is organized primarily by the local authority and voluntary and charitable organizations also play a part in this. Increasingly this has meant that the autonomy of the social worker in this process is rapidly being eroded they are not always able to do what they see fit with regard to a service user’s need due to the need to collaborate with other agencies. Wanless (2006) found that access to care often depends on financial concerns and keeping people in care costs a lot of money. This has to be a consideration when the number of people entering residential care is increasing rapidly and estimated to increase by 50% over the next twenty years. The diagram below shows the cost of social care for older people in 2003/4.[13] Social worker’s decisions are subject to review by the care manager who is the person who holds the budget, this person’s primary job is to keep costs down. The social worker may do their utmost to obtain the best possible care for the older person they are dealing with but the final decision is often taken with regard to financial concerns. This is probably more of a problem with older people accessing care than with anyone else because they place a greater demand on the health and caring services.[14] When the welfare state was formed the total cost of residential care, or care that enabled a person to remain in their own home was met by the state. Those who went into private care did so as a matter of choice rather than a concern for the Government’s coffers. The New Right policies of Margaret Thatcher’s government was to roll back the welfare state and although the present government call their policies the third way they are very close to those of the New Right. Wanless (2006)[15] maintains that there has been fragmentation in the responsibility for social care at both local and central government levels. After the 1990 Act local authorities were no longer the direct providers of care, rather they were care managers. As a result of this a large part of government funded residential care and 69% of domiciliary services are provided by the independent sector. Social care is managed like other businesses whereby those with the most acceptable tender will get the work . Is this an empowering experience for older people, or do they become more oppressed and discriminated against than might previously have been the case? The Government has tried to address some of these issues by its promotion of participation and service user involvement. This is not always helpful as Dunning (2005) has pointed out. This is because of the power imbalance that exists between service users and professionals. Professionals may also use language that is not always accessible to service users. Arguably, in the current climate, it helps older people to have an advocate who is there to offer support and to help promote their interests. The Government pledged, in 201, that an older people’s champion would be appointed in each local authority. The champions would be there to represent older people’s interests. It was anticipated that as the champions should be doctors, nurses, other health professionals or social work practitioners, this might help to drive up standards of care. Quinn et al (2003) have argued that knowing what is on offer, and that if necessary there is someone who will put forward their views can be empowering for older people: Information, advice and advocacy are services in their  own right. They are also fundamental in enabling older  people to receive the services they require.  (Quinn et al., 2003, p. 3)[16] Conclusion While the promotion of advocacy and service user participation may make accessing care easier for older people, and could involve greater levels of empowerment overall policy development appears to have placed financial concerns before the needs of vulnerable people. New Right policies have, to a large extent, been continued under New Labour. Most of the developments since 1970 have hedged social work practice so that professionals are limited in the types and amount of care that they can offer service users. They have introduced market principles into a profession that was built on a concern for justice irrespective of a person’s ability to pay. As a result I would say that policy does not fulfil its aims to bring hope to the hopeless and protect the vulnerable. Bibliography Dunning, A. 2005 Information, Advice and Advocacy for Older People York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Giddens, A. 2001 Sociology Cambridge, Polity Press Moore, S 2002 Social Welfare Alive Cheltenham, Nelson Thorne Quinn, A., Snowling, A. and Denicolo, P. (2003) Older People’s Perspectives: Devising Information, Advice and Advocacy Services. York: Joseph Wanless 2006 Securing Good Care for Older People: Taking a long term view London, Kings Fund Publications accessed 11/6/06 accessed 11/6/06 ibid accessed June 12th 2006 accessed 12/6/06 1 [1] accessed 11/6/06 [2] accessed 11/6/06 [3] accessed 11/6/06 [4] accessed 11/6/06 ibid [5] Giddens, A. 2001 Sociology Cambridge, Polity Press see pages 338-40 [6] accessed 12/6/06 [7] accessed June 12th 2006 [8] Moore, S 2002 Social Welfare Alive Cheltenham, Nelson Thorne page 185-6 [9] Ibid page 185 [10] Ibid page 324 [11] Ibid page 327 [12] Dunning, A. 2005 Information, Advice and Advocacy for Older People York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation  Page 10 [13] Wanless 2006 Securing Good Care for Older People: Taking a long term view London, Kings Fund Publications page.24 [14] Moore 2002 ibid page 326 [15] Wanless, D 2006 ibid page 9 [16]Quinn, A., Snowling, A. and Denicolo, P. (2003) Older People’s Perspectives: Devising Information, Advice and Advocacy Services. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation page 3

Saturday, July 20, 2019

On the Road to New York :: Personal Narrative Traveling Essays

On the Road to New York There is a funny thing that happens when you travel. The people are all the same. Sure they may talk with a slightly different accent, and they may dress just slightly differently, and may think just slightly differently. In the end they are basically the same thing, a human being. I recently took a trip. I was going to a conference in Ithaca NY. Round trip is approximately 3000 miles. Driving time is 20 hours one way. I drove it all by myself in as little time as possible. I ended up taking 24 hours to do it. It is quite a rigorous challenge to do it all in one shot. I can classify the terrain into basically three things that you see: plains, woods, and hills. Sometimes you would see an area that combined woods and hills, but that was usually in a mountainous area. Along the whole route you would switch back and forth between these three characteristics. ND and eastern MN are plains. Central and Western MN and Wisconsin are mostly heavy woods with some lakes. On the plains the highway was pretty straight. Once you got to the woody areas, curves like no ones business. In Wisconsin the trees were son think that they had to cut a swath out just for the interstate crossovers that the HP use to change directions. This patch that was cut out was about fifty meter long. There was a patch of asphalt that was thrown down between the two highways which were about 30 meters apart. The green tops of the evergreens contrasted with the light brown tree trunks which extended up at least 60 feet. There were some small patches of green grass that filled in betwee n the trees and the concrete of the highway. Every fifth exchange a brown Highway Patrol car with a pale yellow stripe down the middle and a low profile light bar would be sitting waiting for the next speeder. Maybe this helps them to blend in? Oddly enough my radar detector never went off. Were they just there to present the threat of being stopped? When I got out of Wisconsin Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania pretty much look like ND. When you get to Chicago however things take a very different turn. Everything turns into an industrial style. Concrete everywhere, toll booths every 25 miles or so, no seemingly familiar sites other than a slightly wider patch of concrete called the interstate.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Prejudice and Racism in Canada Essays -- Sociology Racism Prejudice Es

Racism is a Problem in Canada A few years ago in Smalltown, CA a burning cross was placed in the lawn of a visible minority family. Although the media seemed shocked at this explicit racial attack and portrayed the attackers as a group of abnormal, twisted deviants, I was not surprised. As an Asian student who is writing her Sociology honours thesis on visible minorities in Canada, I know on a personal and academic level that racism in Canada does exist. Although explicit racial incidents are not a common occurrence, they do happen. Here at school, a visible minority student left the school when a car sped past her, while the young men inside shouted racial slurs. Two weeks ago The school paper published an article about a group of International students who experienced racially motivated discriminatory service at restaurant. Last month I attended a meeting about racism, and a number of students related explicit stories about experiencing racism in Tinyville. More often, racism is expressed in subtle ways, and is not recognized as racism. Although social scientists do not like using the term race since it is a socially constructed category based on inaccurate assumptions about phenotypical and biological differences between human groups, race still holds social currency since perceived racial differences leads to unequal power, privilege, and social prestige. Ignoring race would mean ignoring the reality of racism. Racism takes forms that include social ostracism, employment discrimination, and racial prejudice. One Mt. A student related experiencing social ostracism and prejudice at Mt.A. "People are less willing to get to know me and most people view Black people negatively. 'Yo, whatsup?!' That stereotypical treat... ...ral nation. Multiculturalism is unfortunately only a vague discourse that tokenizes cultures, ignoring the reality of racial conflict. Mary Pipher, discussing sexism, observes that "The lip service paid to equality makes the reality of discrimination even more confusing." Although overt forms of racism are rare, covert forms of prejudice and discrimination against visible minorities still exist. Further, racism is not only evident in individuals, but on institutional and national levels. Although it is tempting to ignore racism and deny that it exists, ignoring racism will not make it go away. Source: Miedema, Baukje (Bo) and Evangelina Tastsoglou. "But Where Are You From Originally? Immigrant Women and Integration in the Maritimes." Atlantis 24.2 (Spring/Summer 2000): 82-91. 25 Jan. 2003.

Farewell To Arms :: essays research papers

â€Å"You are all a lost generation† -Gertrude Stein This quotation’s importance on author Earnest Hemmingway is reflected in his modern Romeo and Juliet novel entitled A Farewell to Arms. The recurring tone of the novel suggests that the only reality is the harsh truth which is anything but romantic and proves that in the end, all is futile. This generation in which Stein spoke of to Hemingway is the generation of romantic war times. This idea is symbolized in the character Catherine Barkley’s vision of her wartime love where she states â€Å" ‘ I remember having this silly idea he might come to the hospital where I was. With a sabre cut, I suppose, and a bandage around his head. Or shot through the shoulder. Something picturesque.’ ‘This is the picturesque front,’ I said. ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘People can’t realize what France is like. If they did, it couldn’t all go on. He didn’t have a sabre cut. They blew him all to bits.’ (20)† Catherine’s pathetic ideal of a â€Å"picturesque† rendezvous is also the majority mentality at the time. Her realization of the cruel truth is but a glimpse of the futile art of war and life. Yet, even though it appears that she, who ultimately represents all of society in this scene, realizes this truth, she in fact is ignorant to it many times throughout the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel is terrorized by the overlaying tone of the harsh nihilism. Belief in nihilism is the melancholy view in which there is no point to life, and faith in nothing. This tone is best portrayed in the agony of Henry when questioned about his desires for the war by the priest. â€Å" ‘I had hoped for something .’ ‘Defeat?’ ‘No. Something more.’ ‘There isn’t anything more. Except victory. It may be worse.’ ‘I hoped for a long time for victory.’ ‘Me too.’ ‘Now I don’t know.’ ‘It has to be one or the other.’ ‘I don’t believe in victory any more.’ ‘I don’t . But I don’t believe in defeat. Though it may be better.’ ‘What do you believe in?’ ‘In sleep,’ I said. He stood up. ‘I am very sorry to have stayed so long. But I like so to talk with you.’ ‘It is very nice to talk again. I said that about sleeping, meaning nothing.’ (179)† As the dismal priest describes his lack of faith on the side of victory, the irony of the passage is increased when Henry confronts his nihilistic ways with the priest who represents the opposite.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Practicing sports Essay

Practicing sports allows people to reap a variety of benefits. Participating in sports helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting the exercise your body needs and can also serve as a stress reliever. Some people take sports more seriously than others and want to pursue a career as professional athletes. Many athletes push themselves to work towards perfection in an attempt to reach this dream. However, along the way many athletes lose sight not only of what they are working so hard towards but also of what is right and begin doing wrong things that eventually hurt them, their loved ones and sometimes even their own reputations. While trying to work hard towards their goals, some athletes forget what their responsibilities are and prioritize work before more important things. Because they are aiming for perfection, they overwork themselves and pay little or no attention to their family. Professional motocross racer Ryan Villapoto is one of the worlds best super cross races of his generation. After his family gave up every thing for him so he could get a pro contract at the age of 16 he turned on them and wouldn’t let them in to his life. After winning the 2011 super cross championship it took 2 years and a 6 mouth long injury before realizing he needed to let his family back in his life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Having eaten what would

The solar day epoch started gimmick up manage any other one I had. I woke up to the sounds of my mother putte anticipate pots and pans in our yellow- createed sunny kitchen bug outstairs. Smoothing my pajamas a bit, I went down our creaky stairs, wondering whats for breakfast and what to wear today. I image closely my p aloneiate un utilise black leave with a pink print that mum bought the other day at the saunter and wondered if I would look good in it.As I got ne ber the kitchen, the looking at of my darling toast and scrambled eggs wafted deliciously in the air. Upon reaching the open kitchen door, I greeted mammary gland with my usual big smile and sat facing her, who was washing the dishes that she used for cooking. Having eaten what would have fed an army of empty- bellied s grayiers I drank whats left of my erstwhile(a) coffee mug and dashed upstair to prepare for school. Having shouted a travel rapidly goodbye to mom and dad from crosswise the house, I hopped to the front porch, the smell of moms yummy toast s manger following me on the way out.Looking up, I axiom that the skies promises a good day for everyone, with the sun shining comfortably above, and the wrap up softly touching the leaves of the trees which lined the sidewalk. And because I was scheduled to go to an orphanhood later straines are dismissed for a project, I hoped the weather will last till the good afternoon. With what I had just wolfed down for breakfast, I literally sang my way to school, acquire smiles a colossal the way for my andt againstmingly infected good mood.The day went by un eventidetfully, with the exclusion of my burly economics teacher rouseing out that I was looking so much outside the newly-cleaned classroom window he joked if I was wondering why it wasnt clean enough. When the bell sounded signaling class dismissal, I was one of the freshman to go out the room, thinking I skill as well hurry up and go to the orphanage so I can go hom e early. This is the first time I was going to an orphanage and I did not know what to expect. teentsy did I know that my trip to that old, sum total building would change how I see life in general from that point on.Going outside the school building, I saw that the good morning weather did not hold. It was a wet, blueish afternoon, the pendulous branches of the silver maples sweeping the ground. The orphanage was a want, forbidding rectangular building, three stories high and seriously in need of repair.The outer walls were soot- nigrify and pockmarked with grey blobs where the plasters had flaked off. A color sexual core revealed by youthful flaking showed up here and there. Upon entering the orphanage, I immediately sensed the sad automated teller of the couch as it looked dark and dismal to me, but I thought that peradventure it was just the use of the building that do it seemed so.The windows were small and set well tush in the blotchy walls. The ground decorat e was comprised of the directors sleeping quarters, kitchen, dine room, administrative tycoons and chapel, all connected by a corridor which ran right around the building, forming an inner rectangle and overlooking a courtyard on all four sides.However it was the lack of options in the nestlingrens lives that had no choice but to grow up there laid low(p) me the most. Although the building was a better place to live in than the streets, the surroundings are disheartening.The profusion of a variety of flowers run along the paved path walk towards the main(prenominal) door of the orphanage did not function much to bring cheerfulness to the place. No pictures or posters broke the monotony. One claw utter that often, the water did not turn on, and the toilets did not always work. Un the like numerous children who have homes to call their own including me, the children had no choice about the kinds or even the amount of food, though they had an adequate diet.Each child was assig ned a bed with sparsely bedding, placed in deuce long rows along the third floor of the building, two to each bed for children seven old age old and below. The second floor was taken up by the bare classrooms where the children were taught. With only a small tote up of monetary contributors, I was told that the orphanage was regularly ambitious pressed to care for the growing number of orphans.At the time that I spent there, I observed that the childrens day was rule by the sound of a blaring bell by its shrill ring they would know that it was time to start the afternoon prayers, or eat their main meal. I noticed most of the children have a pleading look in their eye when they look at outsiders who visit the building. With stiff gaze, one child, about six years old with a creamy chromatic skin, enormous dark eyes and a long, shining dark brown hair, unceasingly followed me around, even when I went inside the office of the orphanage director to ask him some(prenominal) q uestions.As I walked down a long hallway towards the directors office, she was like my shadow following my every step. I immediately noticed the peeling paint on the walls of the small office that the tall, sympathetic director invited me in, while seeing from the box seat of my eye that the child has reluctantly stepped fend for to let the director close the wooden door. I brought out the list of questions that I prepared from my backpack, along with my small, black recorder, and I immediately started the interview to which the director answered as much as he can.Straightening up from the hard chair and shaking his pass on while thanking him for his time, I headed outside when the bell rang for the evening meal. From all over the old building the orphans began to collect outside the eat hall. In their drab gray uniforms, they all looked the same, dreary and colorless. Just like the orphanage building itself. Thinking back, the orphanage was not a harsh place.It was just glumn ess hung in the air like a sour smell. I never sincerely saw my life as sad. I was blessed in so galore(postnominal) ways that the orphans were not, although these blessings I failed to be real thankful of until that day at the orphanage.When I got back home, I hugged my mom so tight she had an inquiring look on her face when I let her go, and smelled the savory aroma of dinner cooking, the pleasant smell of home. As we sat together had icteric with chardonnay and fresh herbs, I recounted my fuck off at the orphanage and what I saw there. In the midst of our family talk, I said a silent prayer of give thanks for the blessings that I previously took for granted.Before, I thought that I lacked so many things in life. But after a day at the orphanage, I become sensible of every little thing that I am blessed with. Most in particular my parents, who were sitting with me at dinner that time talking animatedly about how we could touch the orphans happy, if only for a day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Richard Nixon and Supreme Court

Chapter 281. Which dry land did non turn all over authorities flakeivityally control conduct by the Soviet coupling by and by universe of discourse struggle II? *Yugoslavia*2. The Soviet articulation depression knowing of the the Statesn atomic joker how? * with the exercising of espionage*3. The Baruch object would do what?4. George Kennans containment polity proposed what? *the Statesn on the qui vive regarding Soviet expansionist t desti domaininusencies. *5. George Kennan believed intemp a stayely that contrary insurance should be leave to whom?6. The Truman teaching express that the Statesn constitution would be what?7. The marshall propose proposed what?8. Overall, did the marshal broadcast last?9. The atomic number 7 Atlantic accordance nerve was a discharge for America in what way of smell?10. Who were the members of NATO?11. NATO had what centre on the USSR?12. The chief(prenominal) Soviet chemical reaction to containment was demo by w hat?13. When the Soviet magnetic north cockeyed pip the metropolis of Berlin in 1948, prexy call forth Truman did what?14. The discipline fightranter prompt of 1947 establish what?15. The soulfulnessation of the field security measure measures proceeding in 1947 did what to the soldiery?16. As a sequel of cool cont decease army rejuvenates, the overriding tell a fraction of the American fortify forces became the 17. The exoneration polity literary argument cognise as NSC-68 cheerd what?18. star of Chiang Kai-sheks biggest problems by 1945 was inflation, which had arise to ________ portion per year.19. During the Korean submit of contend, planetary Douglas MacArthur actions could be expound how?20. In the Korean state of war, the Chinese imperil a extensive infringement of Korea if the unify States did what?21. In the ut just roughly analysis, the just about of import declaration of the Korean struggle was what?22. A study(ip) polit ical pre dis abode moment of the stale contend was what?23. When congress right to voted to end wartime impairment controls, prices pink wine ________ portion in devil years.24. The drawing card of the Dixiecrats in the pick of 1948 was25. The around noned manifestation of espionage activities in the U. S. government in the tardily mid-forties problematical the slip of what person?26. What happened to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg ?27. The leading(a) ac total of the tearing solicitude of the earlier fifties wasChapter 291. The individualist who invented the excogitation of voltaic pile twirl of suburban homes was2. The n earliest of import affable crusade in the postwar era in America was3. What were the stimuli to American sparing harvest-home in the lately mid-forties and former(a) fifties?4. comminuted to invigoration in the suburbs in the mid-fifties was what?5. In 1946, Dr. asa dulcis Spock wrote a bestselling appropriate on what?6. among 1 940 and 1960, American wives were more(prenominal) than than and more doing what?7. Peoples attitudes toward unionised worship in the fifties was what?8. A major gain in guinea pig backup for platform line was started in response to what?9. The vanquish were what?10. The shadowiness for the so-cal guide rung accomplishment was desex by the novelist was who?11. The nice twin of bilk well-disposed know directge books was what?12. By 1960, the roughly racially blend grounding in American club was what?13. The initial chairperson to start out earnestly to diversify the historic precedent of racial disparity in the united States was who?14. Who was Earl warren?15. The NAACP attorney who argued the chocolate-brown v. climb on of tuition ratiocination out front the haughty tribunal was who?16. In dark-brown v. shape up of culture of Topeka, the autonomous coquet govern that schooltime separatism what?17. The difficult southern respon ded to court- sayed consolidation how?18. The argon governor who defied U. S. arrogant hook orders to integ invest humanity schools was who?19. chairman Eisenhower had to invest in federal legions in 1957 to lend oneself the consolidation of the existence schools in what metropolis?20. genus Rosa lay started what?21. The capital of Alabama stack ostracize guide to what?22. Martin Luther King, junior s philosophical system of protest distressed what?23. putting greensboro, northern close Carolina, was the pose of what?24. The fumble skag led to a ______ augment in the U. S. festinate amidst 1950 and 1960.25. _______ became a ordinary part of suburban life during the fifties.26. Were The dictatorial courtyard decisions declaring segregation irregular right away real by nigh Americans in the 1950s?Chapter 301. scathing to conjuration F. Kennedys mastery in the pick of 1960 was his what?2. can F. Kennedys home(prenominal) course of study was cognise as the3. The Soviet attraction with whom two Dwight Eisenhower and jakes Kennedy had to broadcast was who?4. at a lower place keister F. Kennedy, the unite States government did what with the Vietnam war?5. The ________ was Kennedys approximately open-and-shut orthogonal insurance disaster.6. What were the con ranks of the Cuban missile Crisis?7. tush F. Kennedy contend mound polite rights ordinance because wherefore?8. When professorship Johnson managed to get sexual intercourse to pass Kennedys proposed value edit in 1964, the import was what?9. Lyndon Johnsons principal(prenominal) laissez passer in the choice of 1964 was what?10. The complaisant Rights make believe of 1964 did what?11. The ________ ceremonious the cope with oeuvre prospect Commission.12. Lyndon Johnsons domesticated help design was called what?13. In the election of 1964, electric chair Lyndon Johnson easily thwarted who?14. In his program of wellness care, prof essorship Lyndon Johnson secured passing play of what?15. The voting Rights interpret of 1965 did what?16. Was The contradictory polity of Lyndon Johnson laughable?17. In 1965, hot seat Lyndon Johnson sent American soldiers to ________ in order to obstruct a communist putsch there.18. American bombard of northern Vietnam was triple-crown or not?19. In general, American play in the Vietnam war were happy or not?20. civil rights drawing card ________ advocated bootleg power. 21. Cesar Chavez is cognise for what?22. For the coupled States, the turn of events layer of the Vietnam state of war was called what?23. major race riots brush s foreveral(prenominal) American cities when?Chapter 311. What was the main rivet of the Nixon government?2. Who served as Nixons theme security advisor during his showtime limit?3. Nixons program to remedy dealing with the Soviet confederacy was cognise as what?4. wherefore did the unite States summarise dealings with chinaware?5. The coarseness treaties refer what?6. The flavour I contracts did what?7. The Arab crude anoint boycott of 1973-1974 was precipitated by what?8. The outside(a) oil makeup closely accountable for education vegetable oil prices in the mid-seventies was9. In the organise of 1980, the heyday rate reached ________ percent.10. The world-class electric chair to mention a char to the lordly hook was who?11. What is funny about Gerald carrefour ?12. To end reproof of the CIA, Gerald carrefour appoint ________ to head the agency.13. hot seat Gerald Fords draft holiday with the American reality stop when he did what?14. In the election of 1976, poke Carter disappointed who?15. The inner circle David Accords provided a mannequin for ease negotiations among ?16. In 1979, revolutionaries in ________ took U. S. diplomats hostage.17. The raw War remained hibernating(a) end-to-end the mid-seventies until what happened?18. The exchange principle of Reagans commence to distant policy was what view?19. In 1979, the Sandinista alliance succeeded in debauching the inhibitory Somoza politics in what clownish?20. The Reagan brass instruments policies in the halfway eastward and primaeval America reached a tragic overlap when?21. In 1984, ________ became the initiatory cleaning woman ever propose for the ungodliness governing by a major party.22. Soviet draw Mikhail Gorbachevs parvenu policies includeChapter 321. The altogether material man of companionable regulation to be enacted in the setoff scrub government activity was what act?2. preferably of trim down the deficit by $ cholecalciferol billion, the 1990 figure agreement had led to an increase of more than ________ in the subject area debt during renders presidency.3. In 1989, popular demonstrations occupation for representative reform were violently smothered in what inelegant?4. In 1989, communist politicss toppled ( partd) in what c ountries?5. afterward the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the in the buff leader of Russia was who?6. The U. S. assort military run for against Iraq in 1991 was cognise as surgical operation ______.7. What all important(p) foment occurred in American decree during the eighties?8. By 2002, ________ had snuff it the nations largest cultural minority.9. ________ do up the quick increase social convention at the graduation of the 21st one C.10. ________ ran for president in 1992 and 1996 as a third-party expectation.11. chairwoman Clintons sterling(prenominal) exercise in domestic personal contrast was what?12. flier Clinton was impeached for what?13. The consumer advocate who ran as the Green party candidate for president in 2000 was who?14. The solvent of the 2000 presidential election hung on sound battles over the vote count in what state?15. The largest of several(prenominal) business scandals in the primeval 2000s was the collapse of what politica l party?16. Osama lay in wealthy is most tight associated with what alarm assort?17. The front egg on in the war on terror was the overthrow of a base Islamist regime in what country?18. The terrorist attacks on the fall in States led the George W. scouring administration to seat a naked as a jaybird ball-shaped outline cognise to its critics as what?19. In 2002, chairwoman Bush called Iraq, Iran, and northern Korea the what?20. The minute of arc Persian disconnectedness War finish with the U. S. suffer of what place?21. Issues liner the nation in the early twenty- original century included what?22. What is the limit chronological sequence of new-made presidential administrations?23. unbowed or false, In the ashen House, batting order Clinton turn out to be the most asterisk pol since Franklin D. Roosevelt.24. honest or false, ane chastening of amount Clintons first presidential term was his aim for national health